‘Art Knows No Bounds’

  Crystal He

The installation 'art knows no bounds' aims to explore the infinite potential of art and break through the limitations of diverse and free forms of expression.

The card game format is designed to increase interaction with the Tate draw space audience, not just digitally. The front of the cards showcase inspirational works in a variety of styles and provide basic information about the artwork, guiding the viewer to delve deeper into the story behind the art and the creative process. The installation also plays a navigational role, guiding the viewer to the actual exhibition area through the locations of the artworks indicated on the cards, allowing them to experience and appreciate the uniqueness of the artworks first hand.

The inclusivity, selectivity and diversity of the installation 'art knows no bounds' is a hallmark of the future Tate draw space. It invites people of all ages and backgrounds to actively participate and unleash their creativity. Ideas and emotions are conveyed through the exploration of artistic elements such as language, shape, colour and line. Choose one of the themes or artists, complete the tasks on the back of the card and select the sticker that corresponds to the colour of the card to stick on the wall. Essentially, the installation creates an environment that encourages exploration, engagement and celebration of the limitless potential that art can offer, demonstrating the endless possibilities and rich diversity inherent in the field of art.


Instructions design


Card design
